Howdy guys! Ashley here.
I just came from a great surfing session a few hours ago. Man I love surfing that’s one the best parts about living in Australia. When I was in North Carolina I loved playing baseball and basketball, but if I knew about surfing back then I would’ve done it every single day.
I don’t know what it is about surfing but when you’re out in the ocean and being one with the water it’s just one of the best ways to take your mind off of all the stuff that you’re doing each and every day. Although I live in Australia and it’s really relaxing here, I still have to work and I still have my own stresses and worries that are going on in my life. Whenever I'm in the ocean and get to catch a wave, it just completely takes all my worries out of my life. Again that’s one of the best parts about living in Australia.
So I was reading an article on Maxim the other day about breakups. They were just saying some of the really horrible breakup stories some of the guys were going through and the documents it on that magazine.
Some dude's girlfriend broke up with him through a song. That' must’ve been horrible. He was probably thinking his girlfriend would sing him a love song, that she loved him and then out of nowhere she said "I don't want to be with you anymore." That must’ve REALLY hurt.
Then there was another guy who was going to the zoo with his wife and she had one of the elephants hold up a sign that said I’m breaking up with you. Now that must have been really bad. Here you are, spending the day with their wife and everything’s going great and then out of nowhere you see a sign he held up by him elephants saying that their marriage is over.
Now I would never break up with anyone that way. Breakups and ending relationships are hard enough, I wouldn’t want to add any entertainment to its to make it even worse.
All of this breakup talk started to remind me of some of the breakups I’ve been through in the past. In many relationships in my life but of the few that I have been in I’ve been dumped a few times. It definitely is one of the most emotionally painful. Since that I’ve ever had to go through. I remember when I was in high school and my first girlfriend dumped me for a guy who worked at Subway. That really hurt. I was so depressed and reading anything I could about the subject and always ask myself what techniques can I use for how to get my ex back? (that's a great article I read by the way - by a great blog called Breakup Hub) but although I tried really hard to salvage things she just left me and stayed with the other guy.
It was horrible but I think it’s something that everyone has to go through in order to grow up and become adults. I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone who didn’t suffer from a breakup or ending of a relationship.
At least I was just a kid. It would have been really bad if I was married and my wife left me and I was looking for tips to save the marriage. Then that would’ve been really bad.
So although it’s really funny to read some of the stories on the magazine today, I totally know what it feels like to get broken up with and I really feel for those people that got dumped. Yes it was kind of funny how they got dumped but at the end of the day it’s one of the most painful things you can go through and no one should get dumped like that.
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