I was reminiscing the other day about my high school years and some of the relationships me and my friends were in. Me my buddies were all really close-knit. We always hung out each other and we were always having each other’s backs if anything happened. I remember plenty of times where one of us would get dumped or we would break up from a relationship and really try to help the other person out to feel better after such a loss.
One of my best friends likde this girl for about four years and she finally gave him the time of day when we were juniors in high school. He was literally lovestruck and one of the happiest people I’ve ever been around during that span of the 4 - 5 months they were together. I just never saw someone that had such a big smile and glowed all the time such as my buddy Dominic. I don’t blame him, he really liked the girl and always wished that he could be with her and finally things came true for him.
However, she was known to be a serial dater and that’s what I was most scared of for the guy. I knew she might data for a few months and then get bored and move onto the next guy. After about three months into the relationship she started to get more and more distant and when I heard about this I knew it was over. She had been dating tons of guys throughout high school and I knew my buddy Dominic was just another guy that she went through.
A few weeks ago I stumbled upon a site called Break Hub, which deals with getting back with an ex. I think I mentioned this in another blog post earlier but I was reading in an article on how to get your ex girlfriend back. It was pretty interesting to read because again, when I read it all of these memories from my high school years flooded back in me.
I was reading some of the articles on what not to do and it’s funny because my friend Dominic broke every single rule in the book. He was begging and pleading for his ex-girlfriend to take him back, he bought her half a dozen roses to win her over, and even wrote song for her which didn’t seem to go off very well. In fact, I even felt embarrassed for him because he performed it in class. However, when she heard it she ran out of the room in total embarrassment. Yeah that situation was pretty awkward.
So one of the things I’ve always told myself (especially since I’m in a relationship now) is to always be okay with the relationship to end. I’ve never wanted to be too into a relationship because I never wanted to get my heart broken like my buddies have in the past. I guess I’m just trying to appreciate every single moment for what it is and not try to grasp on for it to last longer. Of course I want my relationships to last as long as it can, but I’m just preparing myself for the worst of anything happens.
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